Is A New Chrsyler A Patriotic Purchase?

I disagree, while I am union, I don't truly appreciate them. Yes, union wages are rather high, and the wages are a contributing factor. what you are not accounting for is all the unseen costs passed on to the business owners. in the old days we didn't have someone coming in hold our hand at work like OSHA , MSHA the EPA and any other acronyms named agency. just to meet compliance with these organizations can sometimes cause a company to close up. fines and assessments against a company for a simple spill can also cause them to close. nevermind the stranglehold the current administration has placed on corporations with insurance requirements.
do I believe the American worker is entitled to a safe place to work and benefits for his labor that he puts in each week yes. I also think America has become spoiled and complacent wanting something for nothing and no sense of personal responsibility. there was a time when people took pride in their work as I'm sure most of you do. it's clear and obvious how each of you perform a simple procedure to your vehicle ,then you post up for the world to see because you're proud of your accomplishment and rightfully so. I truly thought for a few moments for a few weeks after September 11th then I would see the war machine that is America get back into gear I was wrong. yeah everybody wave flags and said they supported the troops but when it came down to it no one wanted an increase in spending some to support troops no one wanted to spend on acquisitions first personal safety devices no one wanted any increase in spending it was going to affect them. unfortunately I see now that our previous generation was probably the last one to truly takes pride in America.
I can't disagree with any of what you said. Espescially the part about personal responsibilites.
It's not really so much the wages but some of the ridiculous demands in some of the contracts that force corporations to move jobs to a more competetive place. Combine that with strangling tax burdens & regulations manufacturers are hit with. At the time of the bailouts GM was paying 5 salaries for every 1 productive person actually working on the assembly lines between retirements, rehab, severance packages, vacations, on & on. That doesn't include management or administrators. 5 salaries! How can anyone maintain a company doing that? I'm not against the union worker getting competetive salary & benefits, but the unions(union bosses- not the rank & file workers) have become more about their own greed & accululating power than they ought to be. :protest: Too many entitlements.
I too believe that when the USA starts manufacturing again it would solve most of if not all of the country's economic probems. But we need to promote it & reward it. Not punish & penalize it.