Any one into fireworksssssssss

Oh yea!! Fireworks rock, but since they're illegal in ma I don't partake. Ya right:D

The majority wasnt able to override logic and reason there?? I live in a dry area, but the town next to me was able to get fireworks legal again. Even though the area is a tiny town mix extremely dry farm land everywhere. I keep waiting for that to pan out...

Maybe this year. Someone "i don't know" in that town, did not show me the collection of bottle rockets and mixed illegal fireworks he did not get for the 4th.

Personally i have a mixed view of fireworks in most areas. Maybe just growing up with the california legal fireworks and having an uncle that's zealous with buying fireworks.

Nearly everything you get for a california firework falls into a few categories: Makes loud noises, bright flashes, spews sparks/balls of fire a ft off the ground(90% of them do this), and/or smokes.

After a few years, the repetition wore on me. So, these days, if it doesnt shoot or explode, its not interesting to me.