340 gone! Performance shop shut down! Help!

Really?? Some members on here are gay/homosexual, which doesnt bother me and are great people...while I agree with your anger, maybe count to 10 and think before posting??

LOL, the gays can throw their crap in our faces and expect us to accept it and if we don't.......They go cry to the government. Here in California they voted on Proposition 8, it got shut down "by the people" and they are trying to repeal it. Funny cause my thinking is once a vote is put out you have your answer and it is DONE, not with the gays and lesbians, "They are SPECIAL" in their own screwed up eyes and they need a Re Vote/Do Over....... LOL, It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!

I'm not saying they are bad people. They just need to keep their Sexual agenda to themselves and not try and FORCE FEED their demented way of living on the rest of us. Nuff Said.