Some Prayers Please, Mom's at the Hospital, It's Serious,

Update,...Mom is stable, but they are watchin closely,...The MRI was unremarkable, Cat scan #5 shows the bleed is still there, not dissapating yet. The second anyurism is to be addressed layer on. She can give one word answers to simple questions, but the motor skills have not returned, no vision in the right eye. She may be stable enough to be moved off ICU, but a long way from recovery. I've set it up so all family inquiries come though me, that way the staff can do there job with less interuptions.

My brother arrived this afternoon, so I'm gonna step back and take a breath,...cut the grass and do other mindless busy work and shoot for a full nights sleep.

I spent quite a bit of time with a nurse named Bill this morning. This guy is just awesome. Sat me down and discussed all the important stuff. What happened, What's happening and Whats gonna happen. Come to find out Mom hasn't been takin her blood pressure meds, cause she could not afford them. We're pretty sure this is what caused the bleed. Totally preventable.

I'm workin on gettin her set up with Title 19,...she has no money or assets. Tomorrow we are sittin down with Dad to take him to school. Lots of things are gonna change. I don't expect Mom to come home anytime soon.

For those of you who still have your parents, Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions. Where and what are your Meds? What is your financial status, Where are your important papers? My parents have always been private about that stuff, so now me and my siblings gotta get tough with Dad and he ain't gonna like It. Wish me luck.