Cinnamon 75 Duster \

Cleaned some more junk out of the cowl. Between the vacuum, blow gun, a coat hanger and garden hose - I actually think I got it all! I then sealed the collar in with neoprene roof calk. On a 95 degree day the stuff is almost self leveling. Basically I pumped it in at a few points around the inside of the ring and reached in with a glove on and smeared it around. Leak tested the next day and its good. Finished cleanup on inside of firewall and got that painted (rustoleum spray cans).

Rebuilt the HVAC boxes with DMT kit. You will notice the evap, compressor, etc hanging around in the pics. Last I had it together it all worked. So, I am working around it.

Had some small holes in the bottom of windshield gasket area. Most went into the cowl, but one on pass side leaked down the right pillar. I used JB Weld to fill them and it worked out pretty well. Cleaned the vinyl and glue off the top. I will be replacing that. I was originally going to do that later in the project, but realized when cleaning up the windshiel area that the vinyl goes UNDER the moulding clips.

Next cleared out the remaining items from the bay and from under hood. Did all needed repairs and cleaning. And fiinally today I got some finished paint on it. Using acrylic enamel on this stuff, door jams etc. Planning to do base/clear on outer body.

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