Who else wants their old toys back?

My mom has my Evel Knevel set with the van and ramp. Can't seem to find the figure, though...

I had a Star Wars figure set that came out before the regular production run of 1977.
The engineering for "Luke" was not quite finished and the head, one foot, and the light saber were different. The set was a mail in offer from General Mills. Up until about 2 years ago, that set wasn't even in the collector catalogs. I remember a few years ago, they listed the "first" production run set (that contained the revised or "finished" Luke) at $400.

I wish I had some of my "anual" MPC models. Lots of those are lost to tooling revisions.

I still have a first run Mego Spock.

I also have some Tide 1972 Ford spring powered cars.
They look 48th scale and have GREAT detail for cheap plastic.

I almost bought a Speak and Spell, even though I was way too old, as soon as I heard the were reprogramming them to not say swear words.