Some important words to adhere to!

Yup. This is why all ignition sources have to be up off the floor in a garage area. Unless codes have changed, 18" above the floor, and that's not near enough in my opinion.

I had an interesting incident back in the mid 70's

Was working with a friend in his drafty old shop, not airtight at all. I was in one corner, a sandy area, had been washing parts to get the worst off in a diesel mix. I had a pan of gas on the floor and was rinsing off the diesel mix.

Now it was 30-40*F in there, winter, so not warm at all. My friend was about 15-20 ft away in the opposite corner, fired up the torch. I could SEE the flame front coming at me across the floor. I rolled over in the sand, all that got me was my hands for just a second, and got my hands into the sandy material --ended up didn't do more than barely singe some hair.

But BOY do I remember THAT

By the way, "brakeclean," before it became illegal to use refrigerant based solvents, was NOT flammable, and was known to us in the Navy as "safety solvent." (trichloroethylene)