Vehicle Ownerships for sale??

many places especially here in Canada will issue the "Constructors" title as being a 32 Ford constructed in 2013 , you can also claim a lost title and avoid the constructors title deal but most provinces will still require a full safety inspection on any vehicle not currently or previously registered in that province , Onterrible requires a safety certification on all vehicles changing hands but BC only inspects vehicles coming from out of province so if the vehicle is in their computer as having been registered here in the past they will re-register it to you without any inspection - yes we get a lot of curb siding and title jumping here , get a BC title for a crushed car and swap on a body with a fake VIN and voila 70 Hemi Cuda ragtop . The early Cramaeros where favorites for this since the VIN was attached to the removeable dash all they needed was a dash and title from a wrecked car to convert a stolen car to a clean one , back in the day when insurance wasn't mandatorey these cars where often in the hands of guys who couldn't afford the premiums after a couple of speeding tickets so there would be no record of the car being sold as salvage .