Got flooded on friday

Picked up about 5" of rain in a 2 hour period and these are the results.
off to the upper left in the first picture there is a fire truck blocking the intersection because there is a 6 foot high geyser of water blowing out of the manhole for a storm drain, the water made its way into my back yard flooding my garage and my basement. I had to scramble to get my tools to high ground as the garage had 2 feet of water in it in a mater of about 10 minutes, the basement filled up with about 5 feet of water in about the same amount of time once the water reached the windows and entry door. Spent the weekend drying out about 2/3rds of my tools. Lost my furnace, hot water tank, washer, dryer, circuit breaker panel, 2 drill presses, one of my welders, 8 transmission, 4 engines and some miscellaneous parts.

Called the fire dept Fri afternoon to pump out my basement and got put on the "list", still no word from them, I borrowed a pump from work and pumped it out myself Sat morning. They were nice enough to send the gas company to my house a 1:30 in the morning to lock out my gas meter though, they wanted to lock out my electric but I lied and told them the panel didn't get wet (it did) I needed the power so I could pump out the basement, That was the first and last time I will ever ask a govt agency for help.

My 46 Plymouth was trapped in the garage up on jack stands with the front end pulled apart
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Had to close the door because some of my stuff was floating away
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My swinger project got wet up to the top of the wheels, engine and rear end are full of water, the floor and everything up to the water line has a coating of gear oil and mud.
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Being up on jack stands saved the engine in the 46 but the rear end was full of water, there's no interior in it yet so no real damage, just has some silt in it
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