Crap! Have the car about 3 weeks

I am surprised nobody yelled "NO!!!". That is a good way to cause big surges in your wiring harness and damage electronics. I used to test alternators that way too, in my dumF kid days.

Before I would replace an alternator, I would verify it doesn't work in-place first. Otherwise, you may be blowing a lot of money and time, and not fix the real problem. Apply 12 V across the 2 field terminals, with nothing else connected to them. If one terminal is already grounded (most round-back alternators), ground it with a jumper to be sure. With 12 V across the field (engine running), you should see a lot of current output on the car's ammeter (or install a separate big in-line ammeter). If not, maybe just worn brushes, which you can fix in the car. To go further, verify that the field draws current.

Thanks, will not be trying that again.

Newbie so I have a very big learning curve ahead of me. I'm going to learn to do as much as I can, hopefully without screwing things up too much!
