Not mine, but a decent looking Volare four door...

Well, you're tearing it up for $3000 asking price, so what do you think it's worth?

Since you're asking, I think it's a $1500 car tops, in my area at least. I'm basing this just off the little CL pics, but I don't think better pics would sway my opinion upward much (unless it's super clean like the one Holmes posted, and if so, that sort of original condition can sway the value dramatically IMO... but it doesn't look anywhere near that nice). If it's worse than it seems in the pics, could be lower. This is just my opinion, brother, is that cool? Yours may very well be different, and that's fine. Again, I do like F bodies a lot, and this is just my personal opinion on this particular car.

I think jd had it right, of course... start high, work your way lower. I always do that on CL, because I know people are going to offer me half of whatever I'm asking almost all the time. This guy may not expect to get as low as $1500, who knows, but maybe he's not expecting to get $3k either. From this perspective, it's probably not right of me to laugh at his asking price, but I see what else can be had out there for $3000, and unless someone in his area just happens to be looking for a 4-door Volare, I really don't see him getting $3k for this. Remember, the less expensive a car is, the less likely someone is going to pay to ship it or go get it from a long distance, so it dramatically shrinks the potential market for the car, making a lot of lower-priced cars local or nearby sales only. The market for this car is probably Michigan or very close to there.

Again, just my opinion. If you're offended by that, sorry, not out to offend intentionally. If you think it's worth $3k to you, and you have that much to spend on it, by all means, buy the car and enjoy it. It would be a fun daily driver.