
went to a car show over in Indiana today. My son took his Dart Sport and I took the Duster. I pulled a trophy, went up and got it and went back and sit down and was sitting there about to go to sleep waiting to see if he would pull a trophy for " Best unfinished " when they called my name and number again. I won a second award. It was the " Show and shine award". There were 317 vehicles there today and they picked my car to win this award. Most people never receive this award. This award goes in a calendar that is distributed around a 5 state area telling where all the car shows, cruise ins and that kind of stuff are. there are only about 25 awards given out per year in a 5 state area and if you receive this award, your car will be featured in this calendar. The unbelieveable thing is that I have received this award twice in 5 weeks. Once in Ky. on 6/1 and today in Indiana. I cannot believe this. when my name was called, my son looked at me and said that the chances of getting hit by lightning is better than you getting it twice. I have posted pics of just the Mopars and pics of my trophy and the 2 " Show and Shine awards".