What do you do when missing screws?

Obviously you are someone that has failed to explore all the little drawers of fasteners and cool things at your local hardware store.

Where do you think these reproduction companies get most of their fasteners? They sure don't make them. The source most of the screws, nuts and bolts from already existing and available product lines.

The exact same stuff you can find at the store down the street.

I have mentioned the round plastic body plugs, before, as an example. I can go to ACE Hardware in town and get the EXACT same body plugs that the factory used on my 68. They are even the same brand. 100% identical.

Buy a $40 kit and wait for it in the mail or get the body plugs for 40 cents each. The choice is easy for me.

Yeah, I noticed that. I think I will just buy a bunch of different screw and bolt kits.