soft brakes and brake light comes on-help[

I'm with ramchrgr. I have read that if you don't "bench-bleed" the MC first, you will never get all the air out of it. You don't have to remove it, indeed I always do it once installed. You just need to disconnect the 2 tubes and install special recirc tubes back to the reservoirs. This is so important that most rebuilt MC's come with plastic fittings and tubes in the box. It may take 50 pedal strokes to get all the bubbles out (see youtube). Afterwards, you might just connect the tubes and have good brakes, but if bubbles made their way into the tubes, you will have to bleed each wheel. When swapping MC's, you can usually get by just bleeding the MC itself, though if using anything buy DOT 5, you should renew the fluid every few years anyway, to stop corrision.