Anyone Collect HOT WHEELS or Matchbox MOPAR Cars??

I've collected since Jr. High school until just a few years ago. I'm 38 now & I've got 1000's of HW's. unfortunately they all sit in boxes in the garage. I do have a few Mopars set aside on a shelf in my computer room. I was always disappointed there weren't more Mopar Treasure Hunts. One day (hopefully soon.) I'll sell all but a select few and reclaim my garage space!

Dude put em on the wall of your garage. I did this with mine now i can look at em whenever i want. Theres a craft store by me called michaels, that had a black frame that you can slide the blister packs into. I have 3 of these. Theres 5 rows on each frame, approx 12 cars per row. These look really nice.
