
I'm very fortunate in that respect.

About 3 1/2 years ago, my wife started making polymer clay babies.

The second year I knew we had to claim the income on our taxes, because she had ...wait for it...$6,000 in ebay receipts, next year was 10K, and last year 12K.

Her goal for this year was 20 but she got elected as show coordinator of her "guild" and had to plan the displays at the convention and arrange loging for out of town members. She still may do 10K+.

I had no idea one of a kind dolls was such a lucrative cottage industry.

Hopefully your wife will fare in a similar way :)

Nothing like a bit of income form a hobby. I do not know what her plans are at this point. I do know she has had someone ask her about how much she would charge to make them a quilt. She needs some more time under her belt before she ventures down that road.

She is trying to get her guilt done for the show but it does not look good. I believe there is another quilting show a month or two later so maybe for that one.

By any chance could you post a picture or two of your wife's dolls?

One of the women that is in her club makes baskets. Think Ernie ordered one of the kits to give it a try. As I type this she is searching for a deal for the batting for her quilt....

Awesome hobby, my mom does this , she made a quilt for my 40th birthday. It incorporates the colors of the master bedroom rather nicely Your wife can make some serious cash doing this, as these are unique hand made one of a kind items.

Maybe if you ask her, and show genuine interest, and maybe help her, she can make you a smaller car or mopar themed quilt to cover up with in the wintertime while watching TV in your favorite chair. Be supportive of her hard work, always remember that she derives the same enjoyment and satisfaction from her quilting as we do from our car hobby, plus its just plain cool.


She is on the lookout for auto related fabrics to make me a quilt. Tony Fields sent us a disc with a bunch of pictures of a quilt he has. It was made out of car show type of shirts. Sparked her interest.
I am very supportive of her hobby, I will lend a hand when she needs it. Sometimes the best thing I can do is to just stay out side and let her work.
She has a lot of ideas rambling thru her head as to what she wants to make. Linda, the woman that got her interested in quilting, and her have gone to several estate sales hunting down fabric. They have gone on several shopping trips as well. It is a good feeling to see Ernestina so interested in something. I was hoping she would pick up knitting. My Mother used to knit. I have a dozen or so beautiful sweaters that she made for me. Ernie did go to a class but just was not that into it.....

Here's one my mother made a few years back for my father. If you look real close in the picture you can see the lines from each pieces. this is several triangles put together to make those designs both in color and the black.

Quilt looks great.