Best of Rodney Dangerfield

Somebody mentioned Rodney Dangerfield recently, and it reminded me of something so I wanted to share this. I once got an email from Rodney Dangerfield. True story. I had been on his website, and dropped him a line wishing him well after some health issues. I told him that his wife and my step-mother had the same name, Joan, and that I thought, after seeing pictures of his wife, he got the better end of the bargain. Two months or so later, I checked my email and I had one from "Rodney". I opened it up, and this is what it said:

Dear Rob,

My wife is no bargain. She wants to mate with the dog and get me fixed.

Best wishes,
Rodney Dangerfield

Granted, there is a chance that this was sent by an assistant, but it just sounded so Rodney! I wish I had forwarded that email to one of my other accounts. I should have saved it, somehow. I miss that man!


[ame=""]ClassicTelevisionBlog - Rodney's Act Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]ClassicTelevisionBlog - Rodney's Act Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]ClassicTelevisionBlog - Rodney's Act Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]