Clean radiator, cool engine, coolant PH, flow, fans, shrouds.

a quick question regarding the wetting agents. do they raise the boiling temps like coolant? or are they only for providing better wetting capabilities?

They will raise the boiling point some. But I am not sure the exact amount for the Justice Brothers Super Radiator Cooler or the Cooling System Protectant. And it will change directly with mixing ratios.... From high school chemistry, any solution mixed with water will raise the boiling point and the freezing point.

In the 30's they used to put straight alcohol in automobile radiators to keep them from freezing. But the alcohol with evaporate and those systems were not pressurized or sealed.

Antifreeze at 50% ratio only increases the boiling point 11 degrees.

The 15 lbs radiator cap increases the boiling point 45 degrees.

Most importantly, the cooling system uses pressure to raise the boiling point of the coolant. Just like the boiling temperature of water is higher in a pressure cooker, the boiling temperature of coolant/water is higher if you pressurize the system. Most cars have a pressure limit of 14 to 15 pounds per square inch (psi). The radiator pressure cap raises the boiling point another 45 F (25 C) so the coolant can withstand the high temperatures. Your radiator cap does a FOUR TIMES more job at increasing your boiling point than antifreeze!

Remember: A good radiator additive does a lot more than just acting as a wetting agent like anti-corrosion, electrolysis resistance, anti acid, lubrication, thremal conduction... They should remove heat better than antifreeze. Boiling in a pressurized system of water alone is 257 degrees. The object is to remove heat before going into a boiling situation.

Boiling over is a result AFTER everything else went wrong.