What's wrong with engineers now days?

After working on the 1967 Dodge D200 I bought recently I have to wonder what the engineers now days are thinking when they design vehicles. I had to remove the heater core on the 67 this weekend, remove 3 bolts from the firewall and the whole heater box comes out of the truck. How about changing oil on a newer vehicle? They should go back to the way the old big blocks were designed. No oil running along a crossmember when you pull the oil plug and you don't need 3 boys and a priest to get the oil filter off either. Now days you damn near have to remove the front clip just to change spark plugs. If your gas cap is not tightened properly it will set off the check engine light, WTF? People wonder why I like all the old school vehicles, at least I can work on them without a laptop. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of the modern features but I think the engineers should take lessons from the old school Mopar engineers. :violent1: