i'm happy as a ___________

Next time just contact a local extinguisher service company. You can get them refilled for around 50-60 bucks.

yes i did. the extinguisher was a 20lbs "safecraft" and had halon #1301 in it and they wanted the $600+ to refill it. the local companies don't deal with that chemical but one did down in raleigh but it was still $500+ the ride. i checked all the locals. plus you can't put any other chemical in them because it had something to do with the way the head is made. you don't want a foam chemical because it has to be washed off right away or you will be scapping it off of your motor when it dries. i wanted at least a 10lbs bottle because i use alcohol fuel with the tank in front of the radiator core support and the motor and hotrod demon is not going to be replaced if it burns down. i have way to much money invested in all of it to do it again. the fire i had the extinguisher put it out before the track crew got to the car. the only damage was soot on the #1 plug wire and header pipe.