What's wrong with engineers now days?

Complaining about the oil pan drain plug being metric? Are you serious????? I wish they'd dump the English system in general as math/engineering is far more easy to work out and understand in metric (SI) units.
i am a machinist and work mainly with the imperial system. Its a matter of time till metric is the standard for of measurement. Being as there are only 2 countries in the world that use the imperial system. All auto companies will likely make everything metric in the years to come. I hate the metric system and we are metric up here in Canada.

What i hate is working on a car that is part metric and part imperial. Even tractors have started to go metric with everything.

Or engineers come up with a new fastener design. Like the torx. Can never tell what it is when upside down and reaching into an area you cannot see. Mud also loves to cram itself into these types of fasteners and good luck figuring that out.

Them stupid plastic fasteners that seem to be a one time use on many plastic parts.