Maybe Saved A Life Today

So, about an hour ago my wife and I were coming home from eating dinner and turned onto the road that goes in front of our apartment.
When we made it a few blocks up the road there was a newer Honda civic just sitting in the middle of the right lane just before another intersection. As we went by in the left lane an older (late 50's) woman was just sitting there.

Felt like something was wrong so I turned around in front of the apartments and went back. Got back to her and turned around and she started to take off. As we were following her she drifted over to the right and nearly smashed into the curb. She then corrected but started stratling the two eastbound lanes, went into the left and then back into the right. I immediately dialed 911 in my phone but hadn't called yet.

Well at the end of that stretch of road is one of the busiest roads in town...a north/south road with TONS of fast moving traffic...the speed limit is 40 but everyone does 50 or up....and we were approaching it!!

Thankfully she came to a stop at the light stratling the lines, then started lurching forward, then came to a stop again. I placed the hazards on and jumped out and came to her window.

I asked her if everything was alright and she said "No, I think my blood sugar is low." as her head is bobbing off the head rest. She was drenched in sweat as well.
She then she said she didn't know where she was and asked me where she was!!
I'm like ma'am, put your car in park now and shut it off. Called 911 and got the paramedics on the way. She just kept saying her blood sugar is low and bobbing back and forth. Had her take her seatbelt off and opened her door to get some air. The back of her head was dripping with sweat!
Coincidentally, had some friends show up who was on the same road...he's a retired Air Force drill sergeant, so he got out and helped as well. His wife went and got her a Pepsi while my wife was directing traffic until the EMT's arrived. I apologized to her that I got the EMT's involved and stuff but she admitted that she is in no condition to drive, so all was good. At least she was cognizant enought to realize that at that time.

Man, if she would've went into that intersection she may have been killed or injured/killed someone else. I thank God I stopped and hope she gets better.

Oh, when her blood sugar was measured, it was a 47!!