little missfire help

Pump shot may be coming in a hair late is my guess. Low speed lean miss is what it sounds like to me.

Curious what your all in is. Too much and too early will not cause your problem.

Fuel dripping down the carb will not cause a misfire either. Rich condition YES. Misfire highly unlikely especially with how much initial timing he has not to mention the all in timing he says he has.

If he's at a low cruise, throttle steady, pump shot isn't used here, also at low cruise, fuel dripping will definately cause a stumble or engine irregularity,.

Our problem would be the definition of missfire,, is he speaking of a literal misfire,, or is he speaking of some sort or engine irregularity at low cruise, which could easily, and more likely be carb,,..

If it "pulls hard", when missfire would be expected at high cylinder load, then I'd be less inclined to worry about timing,, and be sceptical of carb..

I'd still lower the float half a turn,, just to see.... takes 1 minute.. my .02.