Carlisle & A Recent Six Pack Find

Had a great time last week in Carlisle - Dart443 and I drove all the way from Ktichener Ontario and enjoyed every minute of it. Brought the Dart along - behaved very nicely.

Great to meet hemidenny, hemimark and oldmanmopar the hemi "brothers" are a great pair of guys and own wonderful machines.

On the happy note recently made one of those purchases that rarely comes along but is still out there.... this had been sitting in a guys closet for over 20 years and I had been working on him for 3 years... finally got him to part with it

Original steel six pack air cleaner setup, original aluminum six pack intake with proper chrysler stampings and the Direct Connection mechanical carbs a 4782 and a pair of 4783's - all barely used just dusty and dried out.

Be a fun setup after a little refurbishing and some tinkering