They Call it Bunny Love!

We used to have rabbits a long time ago. My dad would ask restraunts for any "bunny scraps" when he was eating there. They would give him the scrap lettuce that they cut out of the salads.

Our first one, we would keep inside in a cage that my dad built. He was kinda mean. We would let him out to wander around the family room. One day when I was playing my Atari game, I had my best all time high on Space Invaders, over 110,000 on the first guy, he bit through the power cord on me!!! I yelled, "Thumper!!!" He cocked his ears, one forward, one back like saying, "Oh ****." I never did get that far again on the first guy....

Then we started letting him outside in our fenced in back yard. It had some landscaping in the one back corner. That's where he hung out. Our dog used to love to play with him. He would chase the rabbit all over the yard. Our neighbors and us used to love to watch them go. The rabbit became much more friendly.

One day the dog was barking at the back door. My brother tried to let him in, and he wouldn't come. He ran around the corner, so my brother followed him. There was Thumper laying on his side hyperventilating. The dog was worried that he may have hurt the rabbit and got help. Luckily the rabbit survived. It turned out that the rabbit liked to be chased, and the dog loved to chase him.

After a while of leaving him outside in the back yard, we noticed some wild rabbits would be hanging around the one fence pole. Like 2 -3 of them. They would show up around 9:30 - 10:00 PM. They were his girlfriends. He would sneak out of the fence to "play" with them and be back in the yard by morning.

Awwee, that's a cute story! :)