Help me dignose please.

Compression test is not always definitive for a leak, either. Does it overheat? Any evidence of bubbles in the radiator? There is a chemical test for head gasket leaks. Sometimes a tiny leak won't show up cold, either.

Run it awhile, on the road if possible, get it out and up to temp, then let it sit and then look at the plugs. The cylinder(s) that have a water leak (if any) will look "different," wet and grey.

Warmed it up for 30 minutes and nothing changes.
According to my high tech 1964 gauge it doesn't overheat.
Rebuilt the front end so she's not roadworthy until I get the alignment closer to spec to get in the shop.
All the plugs looked the same which was black,some with a bit of silt on them.
I don't think it's the head gasket but I could be wrong.