Increase in Ethanol?

At least I finally saw an anti-ethanol ad on TV. This stuff has been around too long already. It is just a stupid idea to take all the land, water, and energy required to make FOOD and then turn it into fuel. You know what makes a good fuel? Coal, oil, and natural gas, there are 100's of years of that stuff left and thanks to all the restrictions on us getting to our own supplies we have more then enough still right here.

One of the worst victims of the ethanol are Seadoo PWCs and Skidoo snowmachines. the fuel lines they used would break down internally, gum up the carb screens, lean the motor out, and melt pistons. No signs of any problems up until it's all over. If buying a used Seadoo look for the grey fuel lines, if it has them it's either dead already or hasn't been run in years.