65 Barracuda Gasser + 1956 325 Dodge Hemi Build

yes, we were out in the garage working again today and yes it is very hot....but hey, we waited all winter for this weather right?

We had a problem with the back carb, so decided it would be good to pull it off and see whats up. Rob took it apart and found the problem, fixed it and he did some other things to cure the lean condition. Also looked at the center carb and included some mods there too. My friend Willie made up a awesome relay and wiring for the electric fan, so we got that installed and powered up too. More little stuff out of the way and just does so much to bring it all together.

Couple of pics from today and one of two of the hardest working, sweatiest guys on the planet....God Bless 'em......Willie on the left and Rob on the right. I couldn't have done this without you! Thanks........