Coil Negative getting power and not starting - Slant six

forgot to add : I also don't have any spark but I think it could be a few things

  1. maybe I need to gap the reluctor inside the distributor since I just installed the distributor and left?
  2. maybe i need the condenser?
  3. maybe I need a ground strap from the engine block to frame/chassis
  4. maybe spark plug wiring is incorrect
  5. maybe timing is off again
  6. maybe starter relay box is incorrect
Im just thinking, I'll check these tomorrow when i have time.

Im still worry and puzzled on why the coil is getting power to negative, my dad and me are still thinking it has to be a wrong wire misplaced somewhere or a defected coil - which is a duralast Gold coil part #C819G

forgot to add on the list of new items that i added.

here is a picture of the ballast resistor

sorry for all the details