B5 Blue Owners -- Your Input is Requested!

Over the years I've had many, many requests for powder coating work in B5 Blue. I could never convince any of those people to provide me with a color sample to work with though so my hands were pretty much tied in being able to come up with any kind of suitable match.

Even though he has other plans in mind for his own car, our member VOETOM volunteered to help out and has gallantly stepped up to the plate on behalf of B5 owners everywhere!! :prayer:

He sent me a paint sample which I forwarded to my powder supplier in Oregon, paid for the two powders that comprised the formulation, and then shipped me a nice 14" steel rim to try them out on. I got it finished up the night before last and snagged some pictures of it out in the sun yesterday.

I'll be shipping his wheel back early next week so he can mount it on the car and compare it with his paint job in person, but in the meantime he asked me to share it with the Mopar World for opinions and input.

It's my understanding (thanks to our beloved restorer Kori Alexander of Show and Go Resto) there is more than one B5 Blue depending on the application year and paint manufacturer ... but if I can get close to one of them I'll have finally accomplished a major goal I've had for a long time.

Though monitor settings can have a big impact on how a color truly looks, I'd love to hear what ya'll think of these preliminary results on this long sought after potential B5 color match. I've been experimenting for years and this one finally looks pretty good to me ... but I'm not the one who has to be happy with it. YOU ARE.

The first few pictures were taken outdoors in the sun at 12:15 p.m. Central time and the last one on the brown paper was inside under the shop lights. Some of my usual 2- and 3-inch close ups are probably TOO close to be much help here, but you can at least get an idea of the serious metallic content.

Thank you all in advance for your opinions and input!! I'll be posting this thread on the sister sites (and anywhere else I can think of lol) so don't be shy if you have a thought or a pic of your own car to share and compare. :-D Thank you FABO, and a bigggggggg Thank You with a full blown Dating Game kiss goes out to VOETOM muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

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We anxiously await your replies. :-D