Colorado town considers bounty on shot down drones

Not sure. I'm not on either side of the fence, when it comes to it, but your point about a politician just doing the puppet motions is all I could rationalize, too, when it comes to the new gun control laws.

This state is EXTREMELY divided, in nearly every way. I hear a lot of contrast, when I talk to different people about their views.

Without making this a political thing, I disagree with the NRA's views and usually/ likely will disagree with any extreme view.

I know that several sherriffs and county judges stated that they will not enforce the new laws. I'm opposed to the new laws, only because I don't think it will keep everyone from crying and shooting up another school, movie theater or black kid gangsta wanna be with skittles, by way of a wanna be cop.

I think we have to approach the situation, yeah, but this set of laws isn't the real answer. It's a knee jerk. And unfortunately, the media is giving idiots a lot of attention, which is a bad thing. I think we could do without the over sensitization of turning criminals into rock stars. I hate the news.