72 duster Build progress

When I sell it I aswell hope it goes to someone that can appreciate all the work I have done and that will take care of it.

I love the car and trust me it hasn't been an easy choice to make.....im very attached to the car and have alot invested (in more ways that just financially).

But our goal has been to get a house and we have been working towards it and selling the duster would make that goal much more achievable.

I want my kids to be able to go out and play in the yard, I want to be able to have a garage of my own I dont want to have to always be checking outside on our vehicles to make sure that none of the hoodlums around here are messing with them or anything. Right now the community we live in is to tight of quarters and more and more bad apples seem to be around.

Id gladly sell the Duster if it means giving my kids a little more freedom and a yard with room to play etc...etc...

like I said...its not an easy choice to make. but I think its the right choice to make.

And like I said.....its not like I cant find another car project to work on eventually ....that will also give my family and I an activity to do together.
except next time...like I mentioned.....I am not going to take on as large of a project. I dont have the patience to do all of that over again lol.

I know its hard for you to believe. but believe me....its even tougher for me to have to make the call. its not an easy choice. but when I put the Duster and my family side by side.....I choose my family. Not to mention I cant exactly sell my family LOL...so it looks like the Duster has to go LOL