Pictures everyone should view

The true convoluted story of the ?Farragut? toilet

During WWII, there was a huge Navy base in N Idaho called Farragut. Some of you that have been to Boy Scout or Girl Scout jamporees may have been there

1--So the toilet was where it originally was, Farragut? then sometime moved to "our house"

2--We ended up with what I believe to be a surplus Farragut toilet. This was "our toilet" when I was "at the start" of concienceness up until we added to the house when I was about 4 or 5. Dad and Gramps built a bath onto the house, added sewer (had been a cesspool) and remodeled the kitchen.

3--When the remodel was done, the toilet was hauled to Gramps back field for storage, not installed, just sitting there

4--In the early '60's Gramps fixed up a "guest cabin" on his new place, and hauled the old toilet out there and installed it.

5--The last place it was installed -- and where it's rotting today, is back in the trees of where Gramps built his retirement house. This is the best of the story. Gramps who was widowed, had remarried a "Southern Belle," a real "lady" who did NOT like riding in "trucks."

Now Gramps had an "interesting" pickup. This was an old about 52--54 Chev, swooping cut out rear racks, lots of extra clearance lights, "winshield visor," and "tastefully" painted in a fairly bright two -tone blue. You could see it comin' fer miles. "Velma" HATED that thing.

So I'm going towards home one day, and HERE pointing directly at me is the rear of Gramps parked pickup, WITH the "Farragut" toilet -- the "dirty end" -- aimed right at me. And here sits the VERY embarrassed Velma waiting for Gramps to return with help -- the thing had broken a U joint, and would not move.

So that one outdoor toilet has been to AT LEAST 5 different locations in it's long life.