Cop rearends motorcycle and blames the rider

I had an unmarked cop car tailgate the hell out of me in the left lane (I was doing 7 over) in heavy traffic, swerve into the right lane, then back into the left, behind me and flash his blue lights. I slowed down and got in the right lane expecting to be pulled over, but instead he passed me, swerved back over in front of me and slammed on his brakes, then gunned it.

Then in about 1/4 of a mile, turned right. ??!!?? WTF??

I was so pissed I almost followed him and reported it to the highway patrol, but then thought about how my life most likely would become a living hell.

That is the worst behavior from someone who should be held to a better standard I've ever seen.

He gained one spot in traffic and almost caused three collisions, two with the same car (me), and was very obviously NOT on the way to an emergency.