Cop rearends motorcycle and blames the rider

And it's not really a racial thing, as the race-baiters like to claim. The cops don't respect anybody's rights. They deliberately violate the 4th Amendment on a daily basis, and when they are challenged on it they will arrest you for raising the issue of probable cause; beat you up; or lie their asses off to support a finding of probable cause when there is none.

I know many, many young people who have been stopped by the cops for absolutely no reason, over and over. The cops are just doing it to harass them. Now, none of these kids is willing to challenge the cops over their illegal practices because the cops would retaliate against them, but the cops are creating a whole generation of people who hate the police. Someday the cops' lies and violation of the 4th Amendment are going to come home to roost, and it won't be pretty.
