was gonna sell my partially finished shelby

Hey Dallas

I remember that pilot production car, i wanted to buy it from you, but back during that time my marriage was on the rocks, got divorced a few years later. Kept my shelby, all the parts n parts cars, but just lost interest for awhile. I please tell me whoever bought the C1 car understands its significance, and restores it, and doesnt trash it out.


I sold the pilot car to an older guy that is fairly local. He went completely through it and repaired the damage done by the vandals (and mice from it sitting) , did everything except paint it. He then seemed to lose interest in it and sold it. I recently asked him where it went but he said he didn't remember.
Like you, I hope someone got it who realizes it's significance. I actually regret selling it more than the 2 Shelby Dakotas I bought new. Selling the trucks helped finance my new Challenger, which I don't regret buying one bit!
BTW, Due to a computer crash I lost all of my original Shelby pics taken back when I decided to sell them. I just have a couple of random ones plus the recent ones of the Lancer and my trucks.