My 1962 Valiant restoration

Very nice work!

As a fellow '62 Valiant V8 conversion owner, I hope you took notes when you removed the window channels, regulators and locks. They definitely have to be re-assembled in a certain order, and woe unto those who can't remember how they came apart! (Don't worry, it will only take you about 2 - 3 days to try every combination and permutation of order re-assembly until you finally get it right. But once you do, you will tend to remember it forever!) And make sure the locks and regulators are nicely cleaned and lubed, and operate smoothly and easily, before you re-install them. This is one job you don't want to have to do twice!

And my last suggestion: when you start driving it, make sure the front wheels are pointed straight ahead before you hit the go pedal very hard. Feather the accelerator really lightly in turns. And don't give it full throttle suddenly off the line; ease into it gently.