who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

I LOVE working in my yard! And when my sons used to cut the grass, I wasn't the happiest camper because I had a higher standard I adhered to, and they just mostly wanted to "knock it out". The only thing that sucks is that it eats into my weekend time, so I have to try and cut/edge the grass right before the sun goes down......a time that I probably wouldn't be doing much of anything.

But I have a lot of trees and bushes too, on over an acre, and we can't have tall weeds because of the fire danger. I actually feel like a full-time maintenance groundskeeper to a park! Then there's the broken or clogged sprinklers, the malfunctioning sprinkler timers and valves, and recently I had some damn gophers gnaw right thru my drip system hose (underground) and caused a huge sinkhole looking water leak. Yeeesh! It's overwhelming at times.