who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

Beat you to it. Built one in my back yard years ago right where i could never get grass to grow anyways. 27' deep x.31' wide. 837 sq feet. Took up a lot of mowing area. Prefer to pave over the front yard then glue down astro turf. Always green, never needs mowed, never needs water, never gets weeds. Problem solved, oh and you can park your car on it without leaving ruts

As far as my daughter goes, she dont mow the lawn anymore. It needs done, i dont say a word, i just pull the mower out n do it myself. She only gets an allowance based on chores she does. There is a value placed on every chore. Do it get payed, dont do it dont get payed. Its not our fault if she has no money to go to the mall. She has to work to get payed. No work no pay. When she bitches about not having any money we remind her about all the chores around the house that need to be done. We.dont wait forever tho, if she doesnt do them, either her little sisters do if its an age appropriate job, and they get payed , or my wife and i do the jobs ourselves.

Trying to give her the education no work = no pay. Already knows the free ride stops at 18. Get a job, and if living in my home u will pay rent. Alreafy told her enjoy your free cell phone, because she will have to pay for her own phone at 18 as well. Already told her i will not support an adult child.

Yeah, exactly, perfect. Too many kids think everything in life will just be handed to them, but that's just not the way it is. I have a feeling it's harder now that it was maybe in the past, or at least when I graduated.