dumb question: sender gasket

thanks RRR, you insight, simplistic view of all things mechanical, foresight, insight, hindsight....and of course, current sight are signs of genius. You have bridged the gap from mere mortal, to scholar of the institute of mechanically gifted. we are all in your shadow, and your debt.

If you could find it in your heart to defecate or urinate in our direction, once in a while, we would be so humbly in your debt. really....

I know that you may find this hard to believe, but I do know that the raise boss around the seat of the tank, is taller than the height (thickness) of the sender unit face. If the gasket were to be placed OVER the sender, it is possible to align the ring to keep pressure on the gasket rubber ON the boss and send. NOT having it leak.

That being said, yes, 1 way is like the factory book says. But as I lay in my driveway, trying to stop a drip....I just wanted to be sure and look at both possibilities.

Again, your sageness....I am indebted to you. Geez...the manual... just so happens mine is locked at my shop 30 miles away.