i have a rear end question!

We use to move the front wheel back on one side to fool the lights. never caused a pull on acceleration.

Did any of you ever drive a car with the center pin broke on the spring. Open or suregrip it always pulls after this happens. The first think you do with unitized car is square the housing. 75% are way out. If some of you think otherwise you are in for a rude awakening.

This will also cause uneven rear tire wear. Just went through this on my truck also. I installed 5500 springs on a 3500 because they are shorter and it lets you offset them with only drilling and adding new front perch gussets allowing you to square the housing. You could felt the truck move to one side when pulling heavy weight.

This truck pulls a trailer with total GVW at 32000. class 10 CDL. skid loader and excavator at one time.