who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

Personally, I'm glad we've had a bad drought {drouth, whatever. It ain't rained} the past several years. I was spending a half a day every Saturday on a 38" riding mower. Now I just water the grass right around the house, can knock out the mowing and weed eating in about an hour.

The weed eating around the pond is what I hate. Have to take a dip net and clean all the cuttings out or they plug up the pumps. The waterfall looks nice, like to sit on the back porch and drink coffee, listen to the water on the rocks, but overall it's just another time consuming pain in the *** to keep looking nice. The more stuff you have the less time you have to enjoy it.

You ever see that movie about the World's Fastest Indian? Guy lived in his little shop and worked on his bike all day. Grass was all grown up so he set it on fire. Seems to me like the way to go. The hell with all the projects/maintenance/honey do's on a house lol.