who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

I don't mind doing it at home because its setup so if i have to get off the lawnmower it does not get cut. Weed eaters are the dumbest invention because the damn string just messes up and i feel like i am fighting the thing more then i am actually doing. Yes, every tree shrub and garden is spaced so the lawnmower can squeeze through. If not ... its a weed patch (roundup)

At work is a different story because i hate the mower they have and collecting all the clippings. Its another dumb invention .. over an acre of grass that they want collected and dumped out. Natural organic matter is being removed from the grass and replaced with chemical... make sense? not to my farming mind. Another case of the shoot getting plugged up and spending more time digging out the mower then cutting grass. Its a make work program. Also they have these damn flowers planted all over the place that need to be watered every day. But i get paid to do all this plus the factory work. So i am always busy which is nice for the paycheck.