who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

I like doing my yard. Its something i,m proud of like my car. BUT! This Texas heat sux sweaty munkey danglers.

Damn....that sure is a beautiful yard. We have a touch under 5 acres and don't do a damn thing to it. Will be getting a bush hog for the back of the tractor sometime soon. Once we get our housing nightmare squared away we will end up with a yard of some sorts. But I am not going to have something that I am married to. I am very lucky, the wife likes to help outside. We have a crap load of rocks. She has no problem with hoping on the tractor and doing a bit of rock farming, when she is up to it. One thing I do like doing is trimming the trees. So much so that I volunteered to trim the sides of our roads. Have not been out there in a while, to damn warm. If I could skip the trimming part and go right to the burning part it would suit me just fine.