thoughts and advice for a newbie to drag racing?

You might want to argue the point of Stick Shift drag racing with Angilo....or any of the rest of the United Manual Transmission Racers....I have seen more consistency out of some of those guys than I have ever seen from a slush box.

(Tell Angilo I said hey!)

The biggest modification you can make is to get as much seat time as you can in whatever you can. Sharpen your reaction times, learn to consitently stage and burnout. Learn how the track changes with the weather and cars. Tighten the nut that holds the wheel and you'll go far!

Haha! Yeah, Angelo just won the UMTR street stick category a few weeks back down at Edgewater. He also won sportsman 2 weeks ago at Lucas oil (where I race)...I took him out first round with my 0.007 light and 0.01 MOV, but he bought back in and won the whole thing....pretty cool :D. The race before that I lost to him second round....I had him on the tree with a 0.003 light....that one was ALL my fault :banghead:... I broke out by 7 or 8 thou. It is hard to judge the stripe on REALLY slow cars like that. That little Omni is no duck, that's for sure.