Dumping the points ---> Your thoughts

Don't believe all the sky is falling BS. If you carried a spare part for everything that could break on your car,you would never get out of the driveway.

For what your doing,this is all you will need in an ignition system.
The Chrysler ignition has stood the test of time.
Instalation is a breeze. Plus it doesn't look donkey.
+1 , 10,000 miles since switching from a petronix unit and no problems . Starts firs crank every day , hot or cold . I change cap and rotor every summer just for the hell of it , carry a spare ballast resistor , have yet to use it , and a spare ecu , still in the box .
Watch it take a dump tomorrow .
Let me add that the petronix had no troubles either , it used the ballast resistor and coil just like the factory unit , was an earlier unit not the flamethrower II or III .