Modern style headlights

There are lots of ways to go wrong here -- most of what's on the market in headlamp "upgrades" is junk, illegal, dangerous, or all three. That includes all the "Euro Diamond Halo" type units. See this post and this one. Also see articles on Allpar (with lousy photos but sound info) here and here.

Nutshell version: Put in relays and good headlamps. No "HID kits", no blue bulbs.

If you're thinking of upgrading to replaceable-bulb headlamps, shop very carefully because most of what's on the market is garbage, and even if you disregard the off-brand trash all over the internet and look only at reputable-brand lamps (Hella, Cibie, Bosch, Koito), the range of performance among them is very large.

There is exactly one good, safe, legal, cost-effective HID headlamp currently manufactured in the 7" round size format, built around the Hella BiXenon projector used in various late-model Mercedes, Audis, Porsches, etc. Very very expensive, about $1400/pair.

"HID kits" in halogen-bulb headlamps (any kit, any headlamp, any vehicle -- no matter whether the "HID kit" and the headlight units are sold together or separately) do not work safely or effectively, which is why they are illegal. See here.

There are a few different 7" round LED headlamps on the market. The Truck-Lite or GE ones (same lamp, different box) cost around $600/pair and they're OK. The new 701C from Peterson looks to be very promising; I've got a pair on the way for evaluation. The 8700 Evolution from JW Speaker is quite a good performer and it is well made of good quality materials. Spendy, though, around $400+ each.

Whatever headlamps you wind up with must be aimed correctly.

(Other posts to see: this one and this one)