help me find this spoiler?

If you really really wanted one of these built the way you would want it built I might consider carving some Pink foam and glassing it. It would not be hard at all. The toughest part would be getting a rough shape then fitting it to the deck lid.

which using cardboard templates to get the shape correct and then a bit of eyeing it... i'd bet you could come up with some FAR better than what we've seen in this thread so far.

(just a thought!)

If you made them, I bet you'd have no trouble selling them as long as the price wasn't horrible. Keep it at or under $200 and I'd bet you could sell quite a few. Even when the questionable fiberglass ones pop up on eBay they sell right away, and those are over $200 with shipping. And I think pretty much everyone knows that those require a decent amount of work before they'll look good.

I had the DC one on my Duster.

Once installed it's pretty solid. Mine wasn't too thin.

Not a bad finish, either, like the one pic showing waves.

I substituted self tapping hex head, rubber washered screws for the plastic push pins.

The trick was slowing the drill at the right time to avoid overtightening and thus cracking the spoiler.

Yeah the one I have doesn't have all those waves in it either, it looks pretty good actually. But after everything I've heard it'd be nice to keep it that way, instead of mounting it and then having it warp or crack later.