"Akron" Arlen Vanke Needs Our Prayers, Cards, Letters and Funnies

I still remember his shop in the early 70's. My buddy, Kenny Williams and I rode our 20in.bikes from downtown Akron way out to his shop in Copley O. It was an old school shop, just a small wood framed and maybe block shop. It was clean and bright. That was also the first time I ever saw elephant ears, they made them and sold them to other Mopes. We also pedaled over to Greg's shop (a good distance). Greg was the custom painter that painted Arlen's cars at the time and that's his you see on the cars today. Greg also had an acid dip tank. Yes Arlen's shop was really in Copley Ohio. Could you imagine Copley Arlen------I think not. That was a long ride on a 20in. bicycle, it was great.