
It's been about fifteen years since I set foot in one of them. Fast food is so terrible, after you cook for yourself with fresh ingredients for a month.

For a while, I was working for a guy who had a collection of Continental drop tops and a Rolls that he wanted brought up to par. He was borderline diabetic, so whenever we would go to get food, I'd make ordering easy and skip combos all together, eliminating soda from the order and just get water.

I did this for about a year. A friend of mine came by my house to show me his new '73 Charger that he got from Ohio and brought me a Slurpee. Without thinking twice, it was hot outside and I started drinking it. I got dizzy, began to get shaky and felt like I was poisoned. He finished his, no problem. I'm not anywhere near diabetic, nor hypoglycemic. I'm not allergic to anything that I am aware of and I've been tested.

Any time I crave sugar or smell fast food, I go for water and eat something good, usually with whole grains and it keeps me going for a lot longer.